Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cross County Skiing, Snowshoeing, ping pong.....

My boys and I had a way fun President's Day. Chad
had to work, so I just took Jay and Moises. We went
up to the Environmental Center. We have done
this for the past couple of years....so I guess it is a tradtion
now.......Here are some pictures......Heston I will try to

put a lot of pictures to keep your looking...... ha ha ha

Here is Moises enjoying hot chocolate...we

also ate lots of cinnamon rolls. They were too yummy.

Here is Jay in a snow cave

Here is Moises in the same snow cave.

Jay rock climbing. He is quite a spider-man

Moises snow showshoeing....with

ski poles....

Jay snowshoeing.......

Both snowshoeing.....how fun.

stuck in the snow...where are their legs...

Moises cross county skiing. He loved it....

He wants to know if we can go to Wolf Mountain


Moises taking a break.

Jay taking a break.

Jay playing ping pong....He met some new

friends up there.

Jay sleigh riding.

Moises and Jay riding on shovels...That is

what you use if you don't have a sled.

We went to Heston and Brandi's after. Here

is a picture of Kate and Dallin watching the boys

playing outside. They loved to watch them outside

trying to snowboard. They also loved to watch

Trinny take on the cat.

Here is Jay carrying the snowboard back

up the hill.


Mama Hawks said...

I loved seeing the boys snowboarding, cross-country skiing, sleigh riding, and having fun in the snow. I don't miss all that white stuff. The wonders of technology so we can share in those things without actually being there.

LIZ said...

I love that they used shovels! Looks like you had a lot of fun. As of right now we have no snow on the ground, which is fine with me.

Heston said...

kallee great post I especially loved all the pictures it keep my excited the whole time!

kristi lou said...

what a fun mom you are kallee!