Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back to School

My kids are back to school. Jay started Middle School and Hannah is in the 5th grade.   They were not excited to start though.   I asked Jay about his first day and he said it was pretty boring. The best part was lunch.  He did say that there were some cute 7th grade girls.  I did also notice that he is growing up.  He is now proud to say that he has zits.   He keeps waiting to get hair under his arms though.   That is a true sign of a man..... ha ha ha

Hannah has liked the first few days of school.  Just like Jay her favorite part of the day is lunch.   She says that she sits and talks to her friends.  None of her close friends are in her class, so I guess lunch is the only time she gets to see them.   She will need to make some friends in her class.   That might be tough for Hannah because she is pretty shy when it comes to things like that. 

I am planning on a great year for my kids.   Hopefully no trips to the office and lots of learning.

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