We decided to take the boys fishing with us.
We have Lorenzo staying with us for a week while
his family is on vacation. He is Moises age and
they go to the same school.
Here is Chad getting all of the poles ready to
go fishing with.
We all started fishing.......and fishing....
still catching nothing.....(isn't that par
for fishing....)
still fishing......
Still taking pictures.....and fishing....
Still fishing.....catching nothing......
Still fishig....catching nothing.......
Still fishing....cathing nothing....just weeds.....
this was about all that was caught
until when it was time to go.....then
Chad caught a couple. Moises
wanted to cast just one more time..
and he finally caught a fish. He
was very excited. I wasn't there
to get the picture. Jay had to go
to the bathroom....so I was with him.
Good job Chad and Moises. The boys
had fun..........